straw hat / ˈstrɔˌhæt /


straw hat 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a summer theater situated outside an urban or metropolitan area: strawhat theater; strawhat circuit.

straw hat 近义词

straw hat

等同于 repertory company

straw hat

等同于 summer stock

straw hat 的近义词 3

更多straw hat例句

  1. Most of it is taken up by a graphic inviting the visitor to participate in the 2016 online presidential straw poll.
  2. Exactly one month after the first straw goat was erected in Gävle, it was mysteriously burned to a crisp.
  3. Stetson returned east in 1865 and created his own hat company, which produced high-quality hats made for outdoor use.
  4. Based on the hat he had created for himself, Stetson made a version called “The Boss of the Plains.”
  5. While panning for gold, he made himself a large hat from the hides he had collected on his trip.
  6. Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat.
  7. Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him.
  8. On his head was the second-hand hat of some parvenu's coachman, gold lace, cockade and all.
  9. "I hope you don't think I speak always to strangers, like that," said the girl in the rose hat.
  10. Afterwards we saw you once or twice at tea at the Ritz, and you took off your hat, so you must have remembered then.